I. CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Mike Williams at 1700 hours. Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Bill Britton. Members Absent: None. Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Sleeper Tim Wenzel and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting October 5, 2009 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Howard to approve the consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Purchase of Traffic Safety Vests with a Fiscal Impact of $1000 – Chief Alvord reported on the standards requiring the traffic safety vests. Chief Alvord suggested to the board that one vest should be provided to every volunteer. A policy will be created stating when and where traffic safety vests should be worn. MSC: Helsley/Britton to approve the purchase of traffic safety vests of up to the amount of $1000. Roll Call Vote: Mike Williams: Aye, Steve Howard: Aye, Larry Helsley: Aye, George Owen: Aye and Bill Britton: Aye.
B. Discuss/Approve Automatic Aid Agreement between the Weaverville Fire Protection District, Lewiston Community Service District and Douglas City Community Service District – Chief Alvord reported this agreement will formalize the verbal agreement already in place, there was discussion on weather an original agreement exists. There was discussion on if the requests will go only through dispatch and how many engines will be committed. Mr. Owen suggested changing the first sentence in paragraph to read “All calls must go through the 911 dispatching system”. MSC: Britton/Howard authorizing Chairman Williams to sign the agreement with the change to the first sentence in paragraph 3.
C. Discuss/Approve Surplus of Refrigerator and Purchase of new Refrigerator – Chief Alvord reported our kitchen refrigerator has a bad compressor that will cost $600 plus labor to have it fixed. It is over 12 years old and is no longer energy efficient and a little to large for the use we have for it. Chief Alvord stated he would like to purchase a smaller (25 cubic foot) and more energy efficient refrigerator if possible. There was discussion on the original purchase on purpose of the refrigerator. MSC: Britton/Howard to approve the purchase of a new refrigerator of up to $1250 plus tax. Roll Call Vote: Mike Williams: Aye, Steve Howard: Aye, Larry Helsley: Aye, George Owen: Aye and Bill Britton: Aye.
D. Discuss/Approve Surplus or Convert Rescue 2151 Chassis – Chief Alvord presented the Pro’s and Con’s of surplus or converting the rescue to a utility. The Kelly blue book value for the truck right now is around $4100. This Item was tabled for discussion on Action Item E. MSC: Owen/Helsley to surplus the old Rescue 2151 Chassis as a “Sealed Bid” process, to be determined further when it is ready for surplus, a minimum bid will be required at that time.
E. Discuss/Approve New Rescue Vehicle 2151 Rehabilitation with a Fiscal Impact of $6000 over Budget – Chief Alvord went over the original blue prints for Rescue 2151 and submitted all of the changes that he suggests to have completed to refurbish the existing box, before it is moved to the new Rescue Chassis. Chief Alvord submitted a wish list totaling $23000. There was discussion on the remaining funds $9268 left in the Rescue Replacement fund. There was discussion of the items on the list and were discussed further in order of priority. It was reported that the volunteers will be writing donation letters to try and raise money to contribute to the new rescue. MSC: Howard/Owen to approve Chief Alvord to move forward with the remaining $9268 that was budgeted for the new Rescue and submit a refined wish list in December. No Fiscal Impact was approved at this time.
F. Discuss/Approve Sealed Bids for 10 12 R 22.5 Tires – Chairman Williams reported one sealed bid was submitted from Wingfoot Tire in the amount of $3919.27. A tire was removed from the lot so we will have to contact Wingfoot and see what they would like to do. MSC: Howard/Helsley to accept the bid with any change Wingfoot and Chief Alvord would like to make to accommodate the missing tire.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported that after the Board’s discussion last month the Smart Center is not willing to go forth with the Workability Program for Mr. McMillan. The Title III funding did not make it on the BOS agenda for November, however the grants office said they will have contracts ready in December for the fire shelters and the Haz-Mat program if the are approved by the BOS.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported:
Inspections – New Building on Taylor Street, Deck Plans on Hart Street, Addition on Mill Street and Site Plan for the Rocky Pines Plaza.
Hydrants – Trying to dedicate one day a week to hydrant maintenance, paint and flow
Meetings – Met with David Nelson to day regarding the new warrant process and the securitization program. There will be an RCD Community Forest Meeting tomorrow. Chief Alvord has been working on a training calendar for next year and it will include training Fire Storm is putting on. Fire Storm will trade hall rental fees for allowing our volunteers to attend their trainings. They will be working on 2 hours of first aid training every month so at the end of the year everyone has enough hours to be certified. Cal-Fire winter training will start in December.
Misc – BLM is doing a controlled burn in Democrat Gulch are paying us $2000 for 2 nights. The signs out front were being sanded and found that they were rotten. The THS shop teacher offered to have new signs made for a shop project. Reach donated a pediatric immobilization board. The Proposition 1A Securitization program paperwork is complete on our end. We will be receiving over $15000. Training is cancelled for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Wednesday before Christmas. Chief Alvord reported he will be having a Department Christmas party at his house on December 19th. Chief Alvord submitted a work plan list of items he would like to get completed by April 16th.
C. Fire Department Report – Sleeper Tim Wenzel reported that the Department had their annual haunted house and smoke maze this year on Halloween and it went over very well.
D. Sleeper Program Report – Sleeper Tim Wenzel reported that security has been fine.
E. Committee Reports –
Background Check Committee – None
Recruitment Committee – None
Collections Committee – None
F. Director Reports – Mr. Howard reported on the new shelf in the engine 3 bay, and there have been some comments made toward the juniors. We need to pay attention how they are being treated. Mr. Helsley reported that the USFS will be looking into contracts for equipment soon; right now all we are contracted for is Personnel and Equipment. Mr. Helsley also reported on the annual awards banquet, he was reserved the La Grange for January 9. Mr. Owen stated that he would like to continue to see the old warrant lists in the meeting packets. Mr. Britton reported that Chief Alvord has done a commendable job as Chief.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1843 hours
Approved: December 14, 2009
______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Williams, Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk